Authority of principal to close the school

(prepared by SPANZ Executive - February 2023)

It is important to note that the requirements around a school closure in an emergency may vary depending on your region, type of school, and the Board of the school. However, below is a draft template for you to develop a delegation from the Board to the principal if you wish to do so.   The legal obligation for the principal to ensure the safety of staff and students under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 will at times necessitate closure of the school, and the principal will likely be best placed to make this decision in the short timeframe that is available. 

The board of <school> delegates authority to the principal to close <school> for a period of up to <x days>, at his or her sole discretion in an emergency, provided that it is undertaken in accordance with the criteria and responsibilities listed below. 

 1.       Emergency closure criteria (not an exhaustive list): 

a.        any natural disaster;  

b.        threat that when in consultation with police/authorities is considered serious risk; 

c.        chemical spills / gas leaks where life/wellbeing could be threatened; 

d.        when a state of emergency has been declared (local or national); 

e.        when unforeseen events (weather, socio-cultural, plant and equipment malfunction) escalate at such a pace that life and/or property are in imminent danger. 

 2.       The principal's responsibilities:  

a.       Prior to making a decision, consult as appropriate with the school senior leadership team, local/regional/national authorities, service agencies (MetService, Waka Kotahi, etc); 

b.       Notify the presiding member immediately of a decision to close; 

c.       Monitor and evaluate the situation and make a recommendation to the board for the school's extended closure (if needed); 

d.       Establish clear communication for notifying parents, staff, students, the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders of an emergency school closure. 

3.       Once activities have returned to normal, undertake a review of the closure process followed and report to the Board.